July 29, 2012

baby doll

 I've been sewing, lots of strange stuff on the serger that isn't really working out but I'm slowly learning to sew knits.  This weekend I decided I needed a moral booster and did something I was pretty sure was going to work out.

I am lucky enough to work in a studio where everyone is moving and getting rid of fabric!  I have a giant IKEA bag of fabric in my hallway, just waiting for me, and that's where this dress came from.  Complete with pockets, lots of leg room, and an I-ran-out-of-fabric contrasting back, I think this one will get tons of use.

On a completely different note: does anyone know what this berry is? It's from a big tree in my nanny family's yard, but none of us know if we can eat them!


  1. those look like red currants to me!! though i'd double check google just to be safe. :) (also, yum! they look delicious!)

    that dress is SO awesome! i really like the material too...and i can't wait to see what else you experiment with! i think babydoll dresses are so darn perfect for all seasons - you can layer in the fall, winter, and spring, and in summer, they work all on their own. plus...pockets!! <333

  2. also, this website is awesome (i just found it) and i'm totally using it to death for the rest of the summer. free fooooood!! :)


    (that's the berries section...they've also got one on mushrooms. !!!)

    1. this is so great! I feel so out of my element not knowing plants here - it's such a different set.

  3. If the berries are from a tree they probably aren't red currants, I think those are just bushes not trees. I would take some berries and leaves (or pictures) to a nursery and ask them if they can identify it. It may be a tree that isn't indigenous so it might be hard to identify on your own.

    1. that's a good idea! We've ruled out red currants, but are still looking.
